The Internet is one of the greatest creations and provides people with instant access to an endless
supply of knowledge and entertainment. De facto, digitalization is changing the way of living for people all over the world as it has become an important part of our daily life. In the last decade, more and more the EU institutions are focused on the use of digitalization to improve the lives of the citizens. Even the UN, when talking about the about the impact of digital technologies accepts that they can help make our world fairer, more peaceful and more just.
However, while appreciating the positive impact of the internet and digital technologies, we need to
accept that internet can also threaten privacy and encourage inequalities. The European Commission
has been focusing on the issue, aiming to precede the changes and to increase resilience of its citizens toward the risks that digitalization brings together with the benefits. Some of the risks include: unsafe internet, online hate speech, cyber bullying, as well as mental health problems of young people due to the digitalization process and the society not being ready to adapt to the sudden changes. In this regard, European Commission has been focused on the abovementioned topics, encouraging youth organizations to empower youth workers and young people on them.
In this regard, the consortium composed of five youth organizations from different regions of Europe and Mediterranean decide to propose the project “Living Safely in a Digital World” or shortly LIFE.
The aim of LIFE project, proposed by this consortium is to increase the resilience of the young
generation on facing the risks of the digitalization and its impact in their everyday life through
empowering youth organizations to be involved in policy dialogue and use non-formal learning in their work with the young people.
The objectives of LIFE are:
1. Enabling youth organizations to cooperate in inter/national level and “speak up” on behalf of
young people, advocating to decision-makers for a safe internet that impacts their lives
2. Empowering youth workers with the necessary skills to support the young generation on their struggles to the digitalization of life through non-formal learning
3. Raising awareness on the impact of digitalization in the young people’s lives and how to work
toward increased resilience
The project contributes to the following thematic areas/specific objectives of the call:
• Political participation, civic engagement and dialogue with decision-makers
• Inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities
• Antidiscrimination and gender equality
• Digital and entrepreneurial skills
It also contributes to the call objectives:
• Promote non-formal learning activities in third countries not associated to the programme,
especially targeting young people with fewer opportunities, with a view to improving the level of
competences while ensuring the active participation of young people in society: LIFE will use
non-formal learning to increase the capacities of youth workers of the consortium and will focus
on the young people with fewer opportunities (the ones that are victims of hate speech, cyber
bullying, suffering from mental health problems etc.)
• Contribute to the implementation of the EU Youth Strategy (2019-2027) including the 11
European Youth goals and the Youth Action Plan in the EU External Action – LIFE will focus on
inclusion, anti-discrimination and mental health when concerning European Youth Goals.
• Foster cooperation across different regions of the world through joint initiatives – the
consortium of LIFE includes youth organizations from Albania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Italy and
Tunisia, having a cooperation from very different regions of the globe.
Events meetings and mobility
Kick-off meeting : Tirana, Albania
Mid-term coordination meeting : Puglia, Italy
Final event of the project : Sofia, Bulgaria
Training activity : Tirana, Albania
Training activity : Nis, Serbia
Job shadowing : All countries
TEDx Talks : All countries
World Café : All countries
Partners countries :
Qendra Amad ALBANIA
Klub Za Osnazivanje Mladih 018 Udruzenje SERBIA
Beyond Borders Ente Del Terzo Settore ITALY
L Association Euro-mediterraneenne Des Echanges, Volontariats, Evenements TUNISIA
Mladezhko Evropeisko Obshtestvo BULGARIA