Ref: ERASMUS-YOUTH-2022-CB Project 101093780 — ARABLE

“People with disabilities are not insulated from the problems facing the country, particularly the high rate of poverty, youth, and graduate unemployment. Disabled youths are among the poorest and most marginalized of the world’s youth, and often face significant challenges, including negative attitudes, discrimination, and lack of accessibility in physical/virtual educational environments. However, findings from related research show that disabled people in rural areas are economically active, able to generate income, and have the possibility of a productive path out of poverty. By enhancing the professional knowledge and business skills of disabled persons with disabilities, they are supported to implement their own businesses and to be part of the labor market under equal conditions. The 24month ARABLE project involves 10 experienced partner organizations in 3 EU Member states (Greece(2) and Croatia), 2 third counties associated with the Programme (Liechtenstein and North Macedonia) as well as 5 third countries not associated with the Programme – Southern Mediterranean / Region 3 (Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, and, Jordan) to support inclusive and sustainable future societies, by empowering youths that face disabilities, to gain entrepreneurship skills, to engage in sustainable agricultural entrepreneurship through an encompassing curriculum that suits to their needs and interests. To reach the above goal, ARABLE suggests the implementation of youth workers' learning experiences, research activities on best practices among 10 countries, and transnational organizational meetings, resulting in the development of the ARABLE transitional DataBase & e-Guide on best practices, training techniques, rates & guidelines and the Open online Learning Environment for agricultural entrepreneurship for disabled young people. ARABLE “talks” about the arable lands that will be cultivated, the opportunities that are ready to be seized, and the ABILITIES that will shine.
Project Objectives:
The ARABLE project proposes international cooperation on multilateral partnerships between organizations active in the field of youth in order:
To encourage an open & respectful exchange of views between individuals & groups involved in project who come from different culture and promote the high quality of non-formal learning tools as a means of inclusive learning settings
To build up the capacities of European and South-Mediterranean youth organizations, to better support young people with disability, through non-formal education
To promote European values and fight discrimination worldwide, and foster awareness about equal participation, cohesion & respect to the others and to the environment as well.
To boost cooperation among youth workers across Europe and beyond towards quality youth work, that supports target groups through innovative and corresponding educational tools.
To reach the general youth audience that will be influenced by ARABLE, interested in agricultural entrepreneurship & European projects like Erasmus+ through the development of efficient dissemination & communication ARABLE plans.
Specific objectives of ARABLE
To conduct research on best practices, training techniques, youth beliefs & countries’ guidelines
regarding agricultural and rural entrepreneurship for young people with disabilities. (Research Report - DataBase)
To build the skills-sets & raise the state-of-art educational material for Agricultural Entrepreneurship suitable for young people with disabilities (e-Guide & Educational Platform)
To empower people with disabilities to become active members of society and generate income through the development of small businesses in the agricultural sector (Up to 2000 young people with disabilities in whole, to be reached, through the dissemination activities)
ARABLE is expected to target youth professionals (youth workers, mentors, etc) that work with young (disabled) people. Innovative tools development will illustrate useful learning & training methods for youth workers, who will support young disabled people from all over the world not only based on their vision on words but through realistic methods, having a practical manual that fits disabled youth and youth in general.
End beneficiaries of the projects results will be young disabled people that could be trained on knowledge and skills of entrepreneurship in agriculture. The project’s educational material could be utilized from young people with no disabilities too. However, the whole point of capacity building transnational network, will be focused on the agricultural youth entrepreneurship and will corresponds to the needs & interests of disabled young people.
Events meetings and mobility
(WP1) Communication & Coordination: Leaded by iAgroCert, will aim to manage, coordinate, and develop the project, ensuring proper governance and quality of the project, to meet project objectives, following the instructions of EU commission and grant agreement. Also, the efficient coordination will assess theachievement of the project objectives and finally the partnership will be able to understand whether the outcomes of the project met the needs of partners and other stakeholders after its final completion.
Transnational Meetings
Kick-off meeting | Country: Veria, Greece | Coordination HOST: iAgroCert
Interim Meeting | Country: Egypt | HOST: JOVESOLIDES
Final Partner Meeting | Country: Thessaloniki, Greece | HOST:Fifty-Fifty
(WP2) Data Gathering & Tools Development: Leaded by Fifty-Fifty will aim to map the current state in partner countries about rates, existing tools, non-formal methods, skills & knowledge on education around agribusiness & young people with disabilities, analyze the needs and conditions of youth organizations, generate new educational tools & to boost knowledge capacity of the organizations, provide state-of-art educational material about agri-entrepreneurship for youth with disabilities that correspond to their needs and interests.
Transnational Meetings
Tools Inventory Meeting | Country: Nabeul, Tunisia | HOST: Euro-Med EVE
(WP3) Learning & Training Activities: Leaded by Euro-Med EVE Maroc will aim to train youth workers on the educational tools that would have been developed, for them to be able to support the youth with disability in their pursuit of employment on agricultural sector. So, we aim to prepare the educational material for entrepreneurship in agriculture and share it to the participants and the Instructions of the online platform as well. After their training youth workers will share the educational material with other youth workers. Deliverables: Tool Inventory Mutual Training Activity report, Job Shadowing Activity Report, Tools testing report, Daily Journals, Youth passes
Transnational Trainings
Training Activity | Country: Morocco | HOST: Euro-Med EVE Maroc
Job Shadowing | Country: Greece | HOST: iAgroCert
(WP4) Impact & Dissemination: Leaded by CYA aims to the definition of an effective strategy aimed at the widest dissemination during the project, the deepest exploitation of project results after the end of the project, ensure sustainability of their impact and overall project mission. Also, this WP aims to the development of guidelines for future activities to promote ARABLE educational material (DataBase, Best practices e-guide & e-Platform). During the final steps we will evaluate the overall impact of ARABLE on target groups & stakeholders and organizational capacities, to ensure monitoring and quality of project processes and results & to collect the feedback from the participants in the project’s activities about their satisfaction level regarding their experiences in the project. Also Desert Bloom will provide the evaluation plan that will be done by surveying the target group to ensure sustainability & exploitation of the results of the project and to have indicators of success and relevance of the project. Received survey data will be used for the development or guidelines for future activities to promote education in and through ARABLE Learning Environment like our Platform & theARABLE e-Guide. The result of the survey and e-Guide (e-book) and results of the whole project will be summed up and present at the Final Meeting Deliverables:
Dissemination & Communication Plan report, Multiplier local Events reports, SWOT Analysis reports, Sustainability and Exploitation Plan, Insights from the Digital Campaign
Transnational Meetings
Local Multiplier Events | Venue: in each partner’s country
List of participating organisations
Duration: 01.01.2023 – 31.12.2024.
Kick off meeting in Greece
On 8th & 9th of June we held successfully our Kick off meeting in Greece for the Erasmus+ Capacity Building project named ARABLE
Stay tuned to see more about this amazing initiative that has to do with the Agricultural Entrepreneurship for disabled young people.
Take a Look

ARABLE Team Gathers in NabeuL
ARABLE Team Gathers in Nabeul, Tunisia for Tool Inventory Workshop!
From November 22-24, 30 passionate individuals united in Nabeul, Tunisia, to partake in the ARABLE Tool Inventory Workshop. Among them were 20 dedicated staff members from the ARABLE consortium, joined by 10 enthusiastic youth workers specially selected to contribute their unique perspectives.
At the heart of our discussions was the creation of essential ARABLE tools — the Data Base Handbook and the Methodological Guide. Together, we embarked on an inspiring journey to define the structure and content of these pivotal resources.
Brainstorming Brilliance
The workshop buzzed with creativity as brainstorming sessions ignited innovative ideas. Participants engaged in collaborative sessions where key points were identified to structure the chapters of our tools.
Each contribution brought us one step closer to crafting comprehensive guides that will empower sustainable agriculture practices.
Connecting Minds for a Sustainable Future
The ARABLE team extends heartfelt gratitude to everyone who participated in this workshop. Your dedication and insights have laid the foundation for impactful tools that will shape the future of sustainable agriculture and the entrepreneurship of young people facing disabilities.
Stay tuned for more updates as we continue our journey towards a greener, more sustainable world!

Final evaluation
We are thrilled to share that our team has just completed the final evaluation of the KA2 project, Arable Project, held in Thessalonik