Ref: : ERASMUS-YOUTH-2021-CB Project 101052000 — JOUR-YOU

The 21st century demands raising skills and competences to respond to the fast technological development and a shifting digital realm. Media literacy is defined as the ability to access, analyze, evaluate and communicate information and messages in various forms and online platforms. Digital skills are an essential component in using digital devices, communication applications, and networks to access and manage information. They are critical for job creation and social inclusion, enabling people to create and share digital content, communicate and collaborate, and at the same time, solve issues effectively by learning and participating in social activities at a larger scale. Young people are exposed to mass media daily; they watch television and movies, read books, newspapers and magazines online, listen to music and explore the internet. This broad spectrum of exposure to media outlets leads to the need for education about media literacy and digital skills..
Objectives of the Project
Тo improve the knowledge and capacity of youth organizations to promote media literacy and digital skills among young people as a way for community engagement and active participation in the democratic life of their communities;
To foster mutual cooperation and exchange of best practices in the field of youth work in combating fake news and disinformation;
To support the qualitative development of youth work through the application of training materials for critical thinking, media literacy, digital skills, leadership skills, self-reflection, empowerment and engagement of young people and youth workers.
Target groups
Youth organizations and young people in Europe and the Mediterranean region.
Youth workers who are interested in the topics of new media technologies, (citizen) journalism and the enhancement of media and digital literacy skills
Young people between 18 and 30 years old
Young people with fewer opportunities and underrepresented and inactive youth in the public realms of their communities.
Planned Activities
Seminar of Youth Workers: a preparatoty activity as an initial training for youth workers
Training materials of Citizen Journalism: development of project’s OERs: online course, training toolkit and guide.
Piloting Training: capacity-building for the youth workers from Partner countries and follow-up local trainings in all project countries
International Academy and Competition: new generation of youth leaders who are capable of mobilising large and diverse groups of users in the new media landscape in social causes and initiatives in protecting human rights and democracy.
Multiplier Events: to raise awareness on the project topics (media literacy skills, combating fake news and disinformation, youth civil participation through new media technologies)
List of Participating Organisations
Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Culture and Education-FECE (Coordinator, Bulgaria)
Entrepreneurship and Social Economy Group – EKO (Greece)
People in Focus – PIF (Albania)
MAAT for Peace, Development and Human Rights – MAAT (Egypt)
East and West Centre for Sustainable Development – WE Centre (Jordan)
Duration: 01-02-2022 – 31-01-2024
WEBSITE : https://jour-you.eu/
1st JOUR-YOU Newsletter is now live!
Check out our first newsletter with the latest project updates and don’t hesitate to get in touch for more info. Read more: JOUR-YOU Project Newsletter 1 – June 2022
Seminar and Kick-Off Meeting
Number of participants: 19 youth workers representing the partner organisations + 7 coordinators.
Venue: Tirana, Albania.
Date: 20 – 22 April 2022
Between 20 and 22 April 2022, a kick-off meeting and a seminar for youth workers were held in Tirana, Albania, as part of the Citizen Journalism Academy for Youth (JOUR-YOU) project, funded by the Erasmus+ Programme. The kick-off meeting was attended by all partners: Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Culture and Education (Coordinator, Bulgaria), Entrepreneurship and Social Economy Group (Greece), MAAT for Peace, Development and Human Rights Association (Egypt), People in Focus (Albania), EUROSUD (Italy), East and West Center for Sustainable Development (Jordan) and EURO-MED EVE (Tunisia).
During the three days of the meeting, the partners in the consortium got acquainted with the project’s main aims, objectives, activities and expected results. The consortium discussed the dissemination of the project results, monitoring and evaluation and signed internal partner agreements.
Simultaneously, 17 youth workers from the partner countries participated in a seminar to share their thoughts on citizen journalism and media literacy. By participating in non-formal activities, such as simulations, interactive games and debates, the youth workers discussed the state of freedom of speech and journalism in their countries. They created possible scenarios for the upcoming activities under the project. In the next months, the youth workers will prepare Stocktaking and Reflection papers to present the state of journalism in their countries by conducting desk research on the topics of the project.
Thanks to our hosts, People in Focus, we were also able to get familiar with the recent Albanian history through a walking tour around Tirana.
Stocktaking and Reflection Papers
The partners createD a common methodology, which includes prototypes of the online course, training toolkit and guide for youth participation (content overview and methods for development of the materials). This document will guide the youth workers/researcher in the development of the training materials.
Methodology for creating training materials
The partners createD a common methodology, which includes prototypes of the online course, training toolkit and guide for youth participation (content overview and methods for development of the materials). This document will guide the youth workers/researcher in the development of the training materials.
International training on citizen journalism for Youth Workers and Trainers
Participants: 12 youth workers from Partner Countries, 6 trainers from European countries
to supply youth workers with needed expertise and skills to multiply the training in their countries
to test the online course and training toolkit and methodology
to implement innovative training methods combining theoretical, practical and experiment-based
learning methods aimed at community engagement and civil participation with a focus on young people inactive in the public realm and to encourage the trained trainers to develop their training and media literacy-awareness initiatives
The training is a three-part capacity building activity involving transnational mobility and hosted by three different European NGOs
Theoretical training of trainers
Duration: 3 days
Venue: Sofia, Bulgaria
Methodology and content:
-Substantive issues related to citizen journalism, media literacy, combating fake news and disinformation based on national contexts: 1 day
Methodological issues vital for developing trainers’ ability to conduct non-formal education: 1 day
NFIL principle and concepts, including interactive learning experiences and using case studies and assignments
Training needs assessment
Designing and delivering a training course for specific target groups and possible approaches to adapting the training content to the needs of different categories of trainees
Showcasing: youth NGOs working on media literacy: 1 day
Practical training of trainers
On engaging communities in activities aimed at combating fake news and disinformation with special attention to working with people with fewer opportunities
Duration: 3 days
Venue: Athens, Greece
Methodology and content:
Non-formal assessments for community engagement initiatives through media platforms
Networking workshop: collaboration for change, cross-sectoral partnerships, online civil movements
Experiment-based training of trainers
On creating raise-awareness campaigns supporting media literacy
Duration: 3 days
Venue: Triggiano, Italy
Methodology and content:
Learning-by-doing – piloting sessions of raise-awareness campaigns
Intercultural meetings – immersion into the local context
Assessment of citizen journalism ideas
The learning outcomes of youth workers who participated in the training are:
Ability to use new methods and approaches to promote community engagement and civil participation through citizen journalism
Increased knowledge on combating fake news and disinformation, participation in decision-making through new media technologies
Acquired skills to deliver training in teams and build on previous sessions to reach maximum learning outcomes for young people
Knowledge on how to mobilise resources (incl. people), planning and management, cope with risks
Developed ethical and sustainable thinking, self-awareness and self-efficiency
Ability to use the project’s results in their daily activities with young people
Improved communications skills, critical thinking and intercultural competences
Improved skills for networking, teamwork, leadership, problem-solving and decision making
In Activities 1 and 3, the partners will choose youth workers from their organizations who are directly

Mobility 10 to 15 September
Preparations are underway for the upcoming mobility in Sofia, scheduled from 10th to 15th September, which is associated with the KA2 project titled 'Capacity Building in the Field of Youth' under the name JOUR YOU.

KA2 Citizen journalism for youth
We just published the "Guide on Citizen Journalism".
Browse this guide at the link https://rb.gy/h8xyr and be inspired by the work of citizen journalists. You will learn what citizen journalism is all about and some of the best practices from around the world.
Arabic version ---> https://shorturl.at/qrWX7
you can also read and downloud the guide in the arabic version
Citizen journalism has become an increasingly important aspect of the media space in recent years. With the increased use of social media and the democratization of information, more and more individuals are taking on the role of reporters, documenting events and sharing stories that would otherwise remain untold.
In this inspirational guide, you will find 21 examples of citizen journalism done right. The guide is divided into four thematic categories: online magazines, fact-checking platforms, educational initiatives, online safety and professional support programs. We aimed to provide a detailed analysis of each example, answering the three key questions: what makes the example great, how it is making a difference, and how it can be adopted to facilitate a deeper understanding for the reader. Discover what citizen journalism is and read about some great examples of the work of citizen journalists.
local activities
JOUR-You Local Event
This event aims to raise awareness on the project topics such as :
media literacy skills, combating fake news and disinformation , youth civil participation through new media technologies, results and achievements.