KA2 Project The no-hate embassy Ref: : ERASMUS-YOUTH-2023-CB Project 101131622NHE
Center for Intercultural Understanding - FR, in cooperation with GEYC - RO, MA, EUROMED EVE - TN, Coconut Italia - IT and MIHI - EG would like to implement "The no-hate embassy" project. The project will bring together youth workers and voung people from Program and Southern-Mediterranean countries to develop new practices with the aim to limit the proliferation of online hate speech. The project will focus on building the capacity for youth organisations, by training the youth workers in becoming no-hate ambassadors within their communities, stimulating the critical thinking of their main target group (youth 18-25y) with tools for digital prevention, and counter-narration.
Specific objectives:
Assessment of the hate-speech narratives and realities in the online space within the involved countries, and outlining the prevention measures: a comparative study among the 6 countries.
Enhance the critical thinking of youth to know how to detect and react against hateful propaganda online.
Empower SOs and grass-root movements to develop strategies for the promotion of intercultural dialogue, building a bridge of knowledge and practice sharing between the two sides of the Mediterranean: Manual and guidelines for Youth organisations and CSOs.
Deconstructing hate speech narratives, through a fellowship for youth workers leading a Euro-Mediterranean campaign to tackle hate speech: 6 months long, based on the GAMMMA+ model...